Daily Strategies for Job Search Success

By Tammy Goldeisen, Program Specialist and Workshop Facilitator

Marketing Yourself in your Job Search Journey

To market yourself with dedication and efficiency, you need a roadmap. Resiliency and persistence will go a long way to helping you land a position. Consider your job search a marketing campaign for your career. Think of yourself as the product in a marketing campaign and the hiring manager is your target audience. Hiring managers are searching for candidates with the needed skills, experience, passion, and dedication.

Hiring managers are constantly thinking and working to determine if you are a good fit with the members of the existing team. You will want to promote yourself to potential employers.  This includes your online presence, interviews you participate in, and networking events. You want to share the value that you can bring to the company.


  • Market yourself – let them know how the company will benefit from hiring you.

  • Convince them you are the right fit for the job.

  • Build your personal brand – this is their first impression of you. Show your personality and skills in forms of social media platforms. When you build your brand, hiring managers assume you will do the same in your work. Share your purpose, mission, values, and tell your story.

  • Maintain a strong online presence.

  • Meet people at networking events – give out your business card.

  • Deliver a captivating elevator speech – this will grab the attention of potential employers. Communicate your skills, experience, and goals.

  • Demonstrate how your skills will help the company.

  • Conduct research on the company.

  • Become an industry expert.

  • Act and dress with confidence.

In Your Job Search

Set a clear objective – know what your ideal role looks like. (9 to 5, flexible hours, hybrid, fully remote, working alone, collaborating with others, etc.)

  • Do your market research – reach out to a mentor, career counselor, friends, or family members who may be in a similar role to the one you are seeking.

  • Do a SWOT Analysis – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. You can control the strengths and weaknesses, but you can’t control the opportunities and threats. When matched up against the ideal candidate, what gaps do you need to fill in?

  • Before an interview, write down what you are passionate about (your values and purpose), what you’ve accomplished (your story), and what you bring to the table (your vision).

  • Use social media to target the roles you want, the industries you are interested in, and the companies you want to connect with. When on social media, follow people and companies, interact with their posts, comment on their posts, ask clarifying questions in an article, like their posts, and share their post if appropriate.

  • Set milestones along the way to celebrate small successes.

Stay positive and never give up.  You got this!

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